On the trail from Lyon to Le-Puy, France 2009.
Ground Rules
We don’t like bull either
Just a quick note about how this site works. The purpose of longwalking.com is to share our experiences, and help our fans and visitors realize their own long-distance walking adventures.
First of all, mainly we just like to go longwalking, and when we’re not doing that, we like to think about it, conspire, plan, prepare, dream and train for the next one. Part of that enthusiasm gets channeled into this site. One way we pay the expenses of keeping this site going is by earning occasional fees and commissions from some of the links. But one of our ground rules is that we only recommend products and companies that we know, have used and trust. Whenever necessary, we point out problems we’ve encountered or make suggestions about how we think products that might be better.
For the record, most of the links have nothing to do with affiliations, partnerships, or monetary gain. They just lead to the best ideas, options and information we’ve found on how to plan and realize a great walk. This is the stuff we use. Our goal is to locate the best gear, clothing, technical and logistical solutions to achieving a safe, and fun, rewarding and successful adventure.
If you have a different experience with any of the products, services, companies or links that are mentioned here, please let us know. Or, if you have a suggestion or better alternative, we’d love to hear from you. The world is constantly changing, and it takes all of us, working together to keep track of what’s going.
Bonus points and occasional kudos awarded for any suggestion that works better and weighs less.
For the record…
Longwalking is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com