Footpath through the Gers, Via Podiensis, France, 2009.
A Longwalking Packing List
My 2011 Pro Forma 30-Day List – Gear, Clothing, Supplies
Creating a gear and clothing list is one of the principal ways of planning a long-distance, and crucial if you want to start off with everything essential, no extra payload, and with the minimum possible weight for your needs.
This is a detailed list of everything – all clothing, gear, equipment, and supplies – that I’m planning to use for a walk across France in 2011. Although it continues to evolve, this is the current, latest, up-to-date list. It’s grouped by what I will have, which is not necessarily how I will carry it. It includes clothing to be worn.
This is an updated list of what I used during a 12-week walk across France, the Pyrenées, and Spain, from late April to early July, 2009. For my experience and purposes, this is adequate to walk the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, for example. (No camping gear was used, or is included.)
TAGS: | 2011, Camino de Santiago, clothing, feet, lighten up, planning |
TOPICS: | clothing, gear, lighten up, Supplies | |