Archive for the ‘gear’ Topic

walking across France - irises along the trail beyond Auxerre...
Trailside iris along the trail beyond Auxerre, France…

Weights and Measures – part 4

Insurance Weight: weight of safety and emergencies gear and supplies you hope will never be needed, such as a first aid kit, emergency rations, whistle, signaling mirror, etc.

Exactly how much of what you carry “just in case” can be a vexing question. Nobody likes the expense of insurance, but is always happy to have it when disaster strikes. Just as with automobile or home insurance, a balance needs to be struck. How lucky do you feel? How confident are you that you can make field repairs or reach safety in case of emergency? Are you a MacGyver? We can assume that all weight slows us down, so minimizing it means we can move to safer ground or reach the next village quicker, but it would be foolhardy not carry a few essentials such as a flashlight and whistle.


TOPICS:  gear, Load Management |

...turn left at the old iron calvary (cross)...
…turn left at the old iron calvaire (cross)…

Weights and Measures – Weighing an Ultralight Load

Here are a few definitions and ways of considering different aspects of the loads we carry on backpacking trips. You don’t have to wait for your next long trek to practice and plan for the lightest possible load. Any trip, whether weekends away with a suitcase, or a daily commute, is an opportunity to test your ideas and practice the concepts of ultralight travel.

A key goal of longwalking is to carry the lightest, most efficient load consistent with achieving your purpose. (more…)

TOPICS:  gear, Load Management |

walking across France on the Grandes Randonnees GR 654
Walking across France on the Grandes Randonnées GR 654…

Weights & Measures – part 5

Temporary or Accumulated Weight: weight added and carried for a brief period and then removed, sent home, left behind, or disposed. You don’t have to be a packrat to find you have more stuff at the end of a day than you started out. I constantly acquire various guide books, maps, souvenirs, brochures, post cards, receipts, food packaging and the like as I make my way from village to village. Tourist offices offer a ton (well, almost) of materials about the local region. A lot of it is useful, at least for a while. But soon, it becomes a substantial burden that needs to be managed, which means disposed of in one way or another.


TOPICS:  gear, Load Management |